Tama Double Tom Stand HTW29W Stage Master series


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Tama Double Tom Stand HTW29W Stage Master series

Lightweight and portable like standard Swingstar hardware but double braced for extra stability, this new series is tough and affordable.


  • 25.4mm Diameter Base Section Tubing
  • Double Braced Legs


Tama tom stands feature the same great combination of fast setup and rock-solid stability found on Tama tom holders. Their HTW99 and HTW89R include the MTH900 modular tom holder with its independent left and right side tom height adjustments 


Omni-ball Tom Angle Adjustment
With its rock solid stability, TAMAs Omni-ball system has been acclaimed by pro drummers for well over twenty years. You can achieve almost any angle by loosening one T-nut.


Noiseless Design (US. PAT.NO.6454483)
Are cymbal stands just for supporting cymbals? We think cymbal stands are also musical instruments. All TAMA cymbal stands in the Roadpro and Stage Master lineups were designed with the elimination of stand noise a top priority. A special rubber cap (A) at the end of the upper tube eliminates swaying and rattling, and a special nylon sleeve (B) underneath the die-cast joint of the base section further reduces swaying.
  • 25.4mm Diameter Base Section Tubing
  • Double Braced Legs
SKU: HTW29W Category: