
Tama MS20R14ST Regular Snappy Snare Drum Wire


Buy at www.musicianscart.com Tama MS20R14ST Regular Snappy Snare Drum Wire,Trampet Kord Teli (14″ 20 Tel),TAMA offers a comprehensive array of regular Snare Wires, including different lengths, and different strand counts. (There’s even a 42-strand snare!).

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Tama MS20R14ST Regular Snappy Snare Drum Wire

Product information 

Tama MS20R14ST Regular Snappy Snare  – Trampet Kord Teli (14″ 20 Tel)

TAMA offers a comprehensive array of regular Snare Wires, including different lengths, and different strand counts. (There’s even a 42-strand snare!)

SKU: MS20R14ST Category: